June 2023

End of pilot projects on the new deposit-refund

The pilot projects for the modernization and expansion of the deposit-refund system in Quebec are now complete. The projects, carried out in eight cities between July 2021 and May 2023, have provided invaluable information for determining the model for the province-wide recovery of returnable beverage containers.

The data shows that extended opening hours, accessibility, ease of use, efficiency, speed, cleanliness and security are all essential to the successful operation of a modernized system. Over 17.5 million beverage containers were collected during this unique experiment.

The new deposit-refund system will take off on November1, 2023. Initially, deposit-refund will be extended to all ready-to-drink aluminum beverage containers, from 100 ml to 2 l.

To consult the final report of the pilot projects : Click here